Thursday, September 25, 2014

First Time Pharmer

Excited yet a bit nervous, I entered the Tulane School of Medicine ready to embark on this new journey. I walked in to the all to familiar Room 4700, sat down and introduced myself to the girl to my left. It's amazing how you can go from feeling very alone and knowing no one to making a great friend in a matter of seconds. Cait and I have shared so many great memories so far. She has been my chauffeur due to a badly sprained ankle, we make raps, rhymes and other out there ways to remember the drug lists for our tests, and in general we have good fun together. I am really glad I have made such a good friend so fast, she has been my crutch (literally and figuratively).

Normally, being a social butterfly, this could happen everyday; but this fall has been and will continue to be crazy. With 6 weddings left to attend, my social life in this program has been a bit lacking. However, I am slowly getting to know the rest of my classmates and realizing what great people I am surrounded by. New Orleans is my home and I am so excited to share this place with the new friends I've met in this program.    

Our build group. Look there is me in the middle... you can't
even see my ankle brace :-)
"I remember the first time I tried to depressurize a nail gun..." It was the end of the build and we were cleaning up. A great day of bonding and service with my fellow classmates, until the infamous "shot" heard round the build site. Well it wasn't really a "shot" just the loud noise that accompanies a pressure tank when it is suddenly depressurized. It wasn't as funny at first, and thank god Cait's eye is okay; but after a few minutes the whole group had a big laugh. In Cait's defense though, the pressure gauge was broken, or thats what she says...

How many Pharmers does it take to lift that pallet?
I can't believe we have been in this program for 2 1/2 months. I am excited to see what is in store for our class in the coming months. Oh and I also can't wait for our first intramural soccer game. GO PharmersOnly!

My Hours for September:
Habitat for Humanity 9/6 7:30-4:30 (8hrs)

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